
Mon Mar 9 11:08:22 EST 1992

To Whom It May Concern:

I am presently attending my thrid year at Fordham University, as a natural
science major.  I would gladly appreciate assistance and information regarding
summer internships or research positions available in the New York City area
for students with little or no research experience.  I have taken general
biology and general chemistry with laboratory.  Other experience includes
knowledge and use of the following software/hardware:

 Software: Wordperfect 5.1, Microsoft Word 5.0, Excel, Dbase, Macwrite,
 PFS Write, and Superpaint.       

 Hardware: Vax/VMS, Macintosh, IBM XT, AT, and PS-2
I do not have a specific area  that I would like to work, but would like 
do some neurological research I have taken the following psychology courses:
 Abnormal Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychology of Motivation, and Human

 If the positions pays a stipend or general salary that would also be helpful,
 student.  I would also consider working on a continuous project with salary
throughout the school, if any are available.  Again, Thank You for your help
and please send any information to the following address:

		Columbus Circle Station
		PO Box 20429
		New York, NY 10023

		or george at fordmulc

Juanita George

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