Proposed bionet.plants group

Tony Travis ajt at doc.ic.ac.uk
Wed Mar 11 08:17:26 EST 1992

Bill Williams writes:
: ..about bionet.plants
: What is the status of this?  Who needs to take the next step?  It does seem  
: that there is enough interest to go ahead, right?

We are in the middle of a ten day discussion period during which the
'charter' of the proposed group will be decided, then there will be a
CFV (call for votes).

You can post your comments or suggestions here, and when a CFV is
posted you mail your vote to one of the 'polling' addresses that will
be given in the CFV.

Please let any of your colleagues who may support the proposal know that
this discussion is taking place on bionet.general and we would like to
hear from them about the creation of bionet.plants.


    Tony Travis <ajt at uk.ac.sari.rri>  | Dr. A.J.Travis 
                                      | Rowett Research Institute,
                                      | Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen,
                                      | AB2 9SB. UK. tel 0224-712751

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