X-News: mscf bionet.announce:29
>From: kristoff at genbank.bio.net>Subject:CALL FOR DISCUSSION: Protein crystallography bulletin board
>Date: 13 Mar 92 02:15:52 GMT
>Message-ID:<Mar. at genbank.bio.net>
>>I have received the following proposal to form a protein
>crystallography newsgroup and am opening the discussion for ten days
>on BIOFORUM/bionet.general. A Reply-To: bioforum at genbank.bio.net line
>has been added to this message to redirect replies to that newsgroup.
>>> Sincerely,
>> Dave Kristofferson
> GenBank Manager
>>kristoff at genbank.bio.net>
I support the formation of this newsgroup for crystallography. The proposal
seems broad enough to include topics of the field of structural biology, too.
Gregg Wells
Department of Pathology
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
pathology at a1.mscf.upenn.edu