
Sat Mar 28 15:19:33 EST 1992

Yes I agree. As a user of a variety of microscopies,
Brightfield, phase, fluorescence, confocal,
SEM, STM and AFM, I think bionet.microscopy seems a natural
for the net.

In article <1992Mar26.154049.15650 at doc.ic.ac.uk>, ajt at doc.ic.ac.uk (Tony Travis) writes:
> mwfolsom at hydra.unm.edu (Mike Folsom) writes:
> : In article <1992Mar24.135429.20934 at doc.ic.ac.uk> ajt at doc.ic.ac.uk (Tony Travis) writes:
> :      ---- stuff deleted ----
> : >
> : >What about bionet.confocal ;-)
> : >
> : >	Tony
> : >
> : 
> : Actually, it seems to me that something like bionet.microscopy might 
> : be a good idea.  I've been thinking about this for a while.  There
> : doesn't seem to be a group on the topic and there really should
> : be some forum to discuss various problem encountered in microscopic
> : research and how different folks get around them.  It strikes me
> : that a group just on confocals might be a bit too limited right 
> : now, there just ain't enough of 'em out there, but a group on all 
> : aspects of microscopy from LM to TEM to LSCM might work.  Anyway,
> : I like the idea of mixing things up because after my experiences  
> : with a confocal scope the old boundaries don't seem as fixed as they 
> : use to be.  For example, who would of thought that the confocal 
> : microscope would bring back the old clearing techniques and paraffin
> : histology - *well* - I bet they will (especially for me).
> I agree with your comments.
> I think you should put it forward as a serious proposal if there is a
> lot of interest.
> There were over a hundred messages posted on the confocal list last
> year so it's not as dormant as you might think!
> 	Tony
> -- 
>     Tony Travis <ajt at uk.ac.sari.rri>  | Dr. A.J.Travis 
>                                       | Rowett Research Institute,
>                                       | Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen,
>                                       | AB2 9SB. UK. tel 0224-712751

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