Workshop on Advanced Image Processing.

smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu smith at mcclb0.med.nyu.edu
Mon Jun 22 17:35:02 EST 1992

                              IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
                                August 12-14, 1992
        The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) is conducting a three-day
        workshop on "Advanced Image Processing Methods in Electron
        Microscopy," August 12-14, 1992.  The workshop is funded by a grant
        from the Biomedical Research Technology Program of the National
        Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health.
        This workshop provides a theoretical and practical introduction to
        advanced methods in light and electron microscopic structure research
        in cellular and molecular biology. It combines lectures by experts
        with practical exercises in selected topics. The various aspects
        of integrating the PSC's Cray Y-MP8/832 and CM-2 in a modular image
        processing system also will be discussed and the use of the
        supercomputer for very computer-intensive tasks will be demonstrated.
        The workshop will utilize the MDPP image processing systems.
        These sessions will be conducted by Drs. Ross Smith and Dean
        Hillman of the New York University Medical Center.
        Previous supercomputing experience is not necessary.  This three-day
        workshop will include an optional half-day session on Tuesday, August
        11, led by PSC staff members.  This optional portion will cover UNICOS
        (Cray's version of the AT&T System V Unix operating system) and
        ULTRIX (DEC's Unix).
        Travel, meals, and hotel accommodations for U.S. academic participants
        are supported by the grant.  Enrollment is limited to 20 individuals.
        The deadline for submission of applications has been extended to
                           ----* June 29, 1992 *----
        For applications forms and further information, contact:  Nancy
        Blankenstein, Biomedical Coordinator, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
        4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; (412) 268-4960 or
        blankens at cpwpsca (bitnet) and blankens at a.psc.edu (internet).

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                          PlTTSBURGH SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER
                              IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
                                August 12-14, 1992
Name:          ________________________________________________________________
Affiliation:   ________________________________________________________________
Address:       ________________________________________________________________
Telephone:  ____________________________         ______________________________
                   (Business)                                (Home)
*Social Security Number:  _______-_____-_______ Citizenship:___________________
Electronic Mail Address:_______________________________________________________
Status: ___Graduate  ___Post-doctoral Fellow  ___Faculty  ___Other (specify)
Please indicate any special housing, transportation or dietary arrangements
you will need. (Please be specific.)
Applicants must submit a completed application form and a cover letter.  The
letter should describe, in one or two paragraphs, your current research and
how participating in the workshop will enhance this research.  Please include
a brief statement describing your level of experience with computers. Faculty
members, staff members, and post-docs should provide a curriculum vitae.
Graduate students must have a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
Please return all application materials by JUNE 29, 1992 to:
Biomedical Workshop Applications Committee
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Direct inquiries to: Nancy Blankenstein, 412/268-4960, or send electronic mail
to blankens at cpwpsca (bitnet) or blankens at a.psc.edu (internet).
*Disclosure of Social Security Number is voluntary.
The PSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age,
creed, national or ethnic origin,  or handicap.

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