life of a postdoc

John Travis jstravis at bass.bu.edu
Tue Jul 28 11:30:59 EST 1992

Hi everyone. Here'a an opportunity for postdocs to get all their
gripes off their chests. I'm a writer for Science magazine and
for our upcoming special issues on Careers in Science I'm writing
an article broadly titled "The Lot of a Postdoc" So tell me what's good
and bad about being a POSTDOC IN 1992.  Some of the obvious issues I'm looking
for input on are:
Money woes
Foreign Postdocs--do you look for the same benefits out of your experience
US Postdocs in Europe
Multiple Postdocs!!!
Postdoc while trying to raise/support a family
Postdocs in industry
Postdocs in small schools, big schools, small and big labs

Innundate me with email, a call or a fax and perhaps we'' talk in depth
about youtr situation in particular.

work 617-288-7939
fax   617-288-7768

Thanks for helping me get a good snapshot of postdoc life.

John Travis
Science (Northeast Bureau)

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