AlifeIII submission deadline!

C G Langton cgl at beta.lanl.gov
Mon Jan 13 13:48:39 EST 1992


  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBMISSION  DEADLINE  APPROACHING  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  DEADLINE:  January 15, 1992  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


			   June 15-19, 1992
			     Santa Fe, NM
  We are happy to invite contributions for the Third Artificial Life 
Workshop, to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 15-19, 1992.

  Artificial Life complements the traditional biological sciences concerned 
with the *analysis* of living organisms, by attempting to *synthesize* behaviors 
normally associated with natural living systems within computers and other 
"artificial" media. The synthesis of such biological processes as evolution, 
ecological dynamics, self-organization, morphogenesis, the spread of epidemics, 
and so forth, allows these processes to be studied in entirely new ways,
many of which would be very difficult or even impossible to do when working 
with "the real thing."

  Contributions may be submitted in the following categories: TALK (please
specify a 20 or a 45 minute talk); POSTER, which may include a computer 
display (BYOC); DEMONSTRATION, which includes computer demos and/or videos  
(please give time estimate); or OTHER (please specify).

  Authors should send an abstract (5 pages at most) to the address below
by January 15, 1992. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL JAN. 14!!! Please try to get your 
abstract in early. Authors will be notified of the status of their 
contributions by March 15, 1992. 

  Proceedings of the first two Artificial Life Workshops are now available 
from Addison Wesley Publishers (1-800-447-2226 to order). The proceedings 
of the second workshop also include a videotape. We intend to emphasize 
visualization in the third workshop as well, and encourage contributions
based on working mobile robots. 

  Contributions to the workshop will automatically be considered for 
inclusion in the proceedings. Papers for the proceedings will be due at 
the workshop, and papers may be submitted then which were not submitted as 
contributions to the workshop itself. The end of the workshop is the 
deadline for submission of papers for the proceedings. All papers received 
by the end of the workshop will be sent out for review and authors notified
by the end of August. 

  We will also be holding a greatly expanded "Artificial 4H Show," 
involving exhibits of, judging among, and contests between, various
software and hardware artificial life forms. People who wish to enter
their artificial organisms in the "Artificial 4H Show" should send
a description of what they plan to exhibit to the address below. We
will be announcing a series of contests and challenges for robots,
genetic algorithms, and software life forms soon. Some of these will 
carry cash-prizes. All contests and challenges will be carried out 
during the workshop.
  Abstracts and or queries should be sent to:
  			    Program Committee
  			   Santa Fe  Institute
  			  1660  Old Pecos Trail
  			   Santa Fe, NM  87501
 			  alife at sfi.santafe.edu
Domain: curtiss at umiacs.umd.edu		     Phillip Curtiss
  UUCP:	uunet!mimsy!curtiss		UMIACS - Univ. of Maryland
 Phone:	+1-301-405-6710			  College Park, Md 20742

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