Zoology Conferences Dublin

hllnshdr at vax1.tcd.ie hllnshdr at vax1.tcd.ie
Thu Jan 16 06:12:03 EST 1992

Path: vax1.tcd.ie!hllnshdr
From: hllnshdr at vax1.tcd.ie
Newsgroups: bionet.general
Subject: Zoological Conferences
Message-ID: <1992Jan13.145713.1 at vax1.tcd.ie>
Date: 13 Jan 92 14:57:13 GMT
Organization: Trinity College Dublin
Lines: 11

There are two conferences being held in Trinity College Dublin Ireland in 1992
- The 6th International Congress of Invertebrate Reproduction - and - The
European Marine Biology Symposium - both of which are being hosted by the
Zoology Dept. These conferences coincide with the 400th anniversary of the
founding of Trinity College and so a number of cerlebratory events will be
 going on at the same time. The 6th ICIR will be held at the end of June
beginning of July and the EMBS will be held in September. For more info contact

IN"hllnshdr at vax1.tcd.ie" 

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