New SRS on the Norwegian EMBnet node's gopher hole

Thu Aug 6 04:59:51 EST 1992

Sorry about the previous empty posting...

New SRS (Version 2.1)

A new version of SRS is installed on the Norwegian EMBnet node:
biomed.uio.no IP:

Thure Etzolds Sequence Retrival System is developed at EMBL and is fastly 
gaining acceptance tool for searching relationaly the Swissprot, PIR, EMBL, 
and EMBL_New databases as installed on our machine. 

Additional databases available under the new version include:

The Litterature databases used by RefSearch which are TOCs for
some major biological journals, and the NRL_3d database.

Improvements in speed and stability have been made to the programs
and the interface has been redesigned slighly to reduce the number
of key presses required during start-up. A message system has been
incorporated that helps the user figure out 'what to do next'.

SRS is available on biomed through a captive account. Users are allowed to
use the system for 30 minutes at the time. I'm glad to mentioned that
people from several countries (incl. USA) have used the system since its 
announcement and that connectivity to biomed.uio.no seems to be quite good. 

SRS is available through gopher. Go the any European server and find the
Univeristy of Oslo, then go into the 'Informasjon om faggrupper' /
'Faggrupper' / 'Norsk EMBnet node <TEL>'. Loggin as user 'SRS'

Alternatively, user telnet to biomed and loggin as user 'SRS'.

You will be prompted for your e-mail address. The SRS result files
wil be mailed nback to you. This files are compatible with GCG and 
other Sequence analysis software packages.

Please contact me for any questions.                                


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