In <ortmann.663428128 at cip-s01> ortmann at (Andreas Ortmann) writes:
>I am posting this here for a friend who can't reach E-mail yet.
>He wonders wether there is a possibility to get the contents of
>Current Contents and Biological Abstracts
>like those published in bionet.journals.contents. And is there an FTP
>Site where on can get a digest of bionet.journals.contents.
Current Contents by ISI is a commercial product. I did a review of it
in BioBit No8 to be had from NETSERV at EMBL.
The Bionet.journals.contents are stored as LOG files on LISTSERV at IRLEARN
and can be retrieved from there by sending mail. I do not know of any FTP
site. If there would be a demand for such a site then I could think about
putting it up on NIC.FUNET.FI
%% Robert Harper %% HARPER at FINFUN %% HARPER at CSC.FI %%
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