From Nov. Byte - page 17, Donald Knuth's view on research

REISNER at dmb.csiro.au REISNER at dmb.csiro.au
Sat Dec 2 18:42:00 EST 1989

> The Balance of Research Support
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Government and industry are placing too much emphasis on "mission-
> oriented projects" and not providing enough funding for basic
> research, renowned computer scientist DONALD KNUTH told the World
> Computer Congress.  The scientific community "faces a crisis," the
> Stanford University professor said, because scientists can't get
> funding for projects unless they "subscribe to somebody else's
> agenda" telling them what to do.  We need a lot of small projects
> devised by many scientists, instead of concentrating most of our
> resources on a few huge projects with predefined goals."

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