[Ageing] "The Evolution of Aging"

Leonid Gavrilov via ageing%40net.bio.net (by longevity.science from gmail.com)
Sat Mar 24 17:31:32 EST 2007


Just finished reading this new book "The Evolution of Aging: How New
Theories Will Change the Future of Medicine":


This book looks like a popular book (with 29 references only)
promoting a controversial idea that aging is genetically programmed.
Still this is an interesting and thought-provoking book stimulating
creative thinking.

This book may deserve some discussion here or at the weblink listed

Key words: ageing, aging, books, evolution, evolution of aging,
longevity, new books, Theodore C. Goldsmith, Theodore Goldsmith

Kind regards,

-- Leonid Gavrilov, Ph.D.
Website: http://longevity-science.org/
Blog: http://longevity-science.blogspot.com/
My books: http://longevity-science.org/Books.html

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