[Ageing] New Book on Aging, Evolution & Longevity

Leonid Gavrilov gavrilov at longevity-science.org
Thu Aug 25 19:24:43 EST 2005


This is to announce publication of a new book today:

The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life
Rutgers University Press, August 25, 2005; 304 pages, ISBN 0-8135-3609-X

Book synopsis:

          At the present time, postmenopausal women represent more than 
fifteen percent of the world's population and this figure is likely to 
grow.    From an evolutionary perspective, these demographic numbers pose 
some intriguing questions.   Darwinian theory holds that a successful life 
is measured in terms of reproduction.   How is it, then, that a woman's 
lifespan can greatly exceed her childbearing and childrearing years?   Is 
this phenomenon simply a byproduct of improved standards of living, or do 
older women-grandmothers in particular-play a measurable role in increasing 
their family members' biological success?
          Until now, these questions have not been examined in a thorough 
and comprehensive manner.   Bringing together theoretical and empirical 
work by internationally recognized scholars in anthropology, psychology, 
ethnography, and the social sciences, 'Grandmotherhood ' explores the 
evolutionary purpose and possibilities of female post-generative life.
          Students and scholars of human evolution, anthropology, and even 
gerontology will look to this volume as a major contribution to the current 
literature in evolutionary studies.

Table of Contents:

We have a chapter published in this book:

"Human Longevity and Reproduction: An Evolutionary Perspective"

and would appreciate any comments and suggestions posted at:


-- Leonid Gavrilov

Dr. Leonid A. Gavrilov, Center on Aging
NORC/University of Chicago
Website: http://longevity-science.org/
Blog: http://longevity.scienceboard.net/
Resumes: http://myprofile.cos.com/gavrilov

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