Microarray Resources

Y.F.LEUNG yfleung at cuhk.edu.hk
Sat Feb 10 01:20:34 EST 2001

Hi there,

I have been maintaining a home page (yfleung's functional genomics home)

for various microarray resources including hardwares, softwares, data
analysis, protocols, labs and peoples, softwares and commercial arrays
comparisons,  publication archives, books recommendation, glossaries for

data mining, biochip and proteinchip information... etc. The homepage is

under active development and updated every weekend in response to the
fast changing microarray research field.

There are also some developing sections in this homepage including
functional genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and complex disease
trait mapping that researcher in post-genomic era will find them

Please follow either link to my homepage:

I wish you find this homepage useful and please give me your valuable


Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Chinese University of Hong Kong
3/F Hong Kong Eye Hospital
147K Argyle Street, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 27623152 Fax: (852) 27159490
email: leungyukfai at hotmail.com, yfleung at cuhk.edu.hk
URL: http://i.am/yfleung (My functional genomics home)

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