Eric Cowdrey and I have put together a web page that makes it
relatively easy to find the e-mail addresses of academic colleagues,
for the purpose of requesting reprints:
Finding Reprint Authors' E-Mail Addresses
There are no a d v e r t i s e m e n t s or costs. If you use it,
please let us know of omissions, corrections, or improvements you'd
like, and forward it to your colleagues.
Dr. Richard Gordon, Radiology, University of Manitoba, HSC Rm. GA216,
820 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg R3A 1R9 Canada
Adjunct: Electrical & Computer Engineering, Exec Member: CSTB, CARRF, IEEE-EMBS
phone:(204)789-3828, fax:(204)787-2080, e-mail: GordonR at
New book: The Hierarchical Genome & Differentiation Waves: Novel
Unification of Development, Genetics & Evolution:
Finding Reprint Authors' E-Mail Addresses: