useful site for research on the aging

arthur roberts arthurr at WSUNIX.WSU.EDU
Wed Jun 16 10:41:37 EST 1999

Art's Biotechnology Resource

The website can be linked by the following:






This site allows easy access to hyperlinks and free software for
the biochemist, biophysicist and molecular biologist.  This site
is constantly evolving and expanding, so it can be easy to use,
reliable, and comprehensive. As of 6/13/99, many new links have
been added.  There have also been some new categories added:

Employment Opportunities: this is a list of the "searchable"
databases with jobs that are related to the biotechnology field.
If you know of any links that are related to employment,
please email me at arthurr at wsunix.wsu.edu

Best Biotechnology Sites: this is a list of the best biotechnology-
related sites in the world.  If you know of any websites that are
not on the list that would be considered the best, please email
me at arthurr at wsunix.wsu.edu

Bioethics/ Legal Issues:  provides information on the public's view
of biotechnology research and legal issues that concern the
community.  If you know of any other important sites related to the
legality of biotechnology or ethics (i.e. human cloning), please email
me at arthurr at wsunix.wsu

      Art Roberts
      (web designer)
      arthurr at wsunix.wsu.edu
(P.S. I reply to all emails that are sent, and I appreciate your
and suggestions)

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