In article <36ae62f4.35739836 at>,
alf.christophersen at (Alf Christophersen) wrote:
> Please, don't ever try ethoxyquine. It ahs been used as a fungicide in
> fish meal used for fish production (trout and salmon). My brother didn't
> know that the capelin fish powder was treated with that nasty stuff and
> became seriously ill.
> Please, don't try it.
Wasn't meaning to encourage anyone to try it, and I did warn of problems, but
these are far worse than I expected to hear of. None-the-less, I know some
here HAVE tried ethoxyquin in the past. And no longer take it. What were
the effects you saw? I also posted that Centrophenoxine seems useless.
Anyone else have anything to share?
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