Real-Time Internet Fax - A REAL Business Opportunity

Wah.Sha.Shi wahshashi at terraworld.net
Tue Jan 19 08:38:15 EST 1999

info at CMR.CO.IL wrote in message <199901151202.EAA14998 at net.bio.net>...
>Good Morning,
>The HotFax Network from CMR Communications offers a REAL business
opportunity for your company to enter the real-time internet faxing
Business. The new service provides:
>-- Real-time faxing over the Public Internet
>-- No Change in Faxing Habits
>-- Printed confirmation from receiving fax in same session
>-- Low Service and Network Cost
>-- More Secure than Store & Forward
>HotFax will equip you with all the necessary resources to offer your
customers very low rates for global fax termination.
>For more information, please visit our website at http://www.hotfax.net/ or
contact us.
>We are looking forward to your reply.
>Raviv Moore
>CMR Communications, Ltd.
>Required Sender Information:
>Raviv Moore
>CMR Communications, Ltd.
>14B Habanim St.
>Hod Hasharon 45268
>Phone: +972-9-746-2626
>Further mailings may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply to
><mailto:info at cmr.co.il?subject=Remove>

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