Are AGEs and Lipofuscin related? Could ALT-711 eliminate lipofuscin?

rjk3 at my-dejanews.com rjk3 at my-dejanews.com
Sat Jan 16 14:58:50 EST 1999

In article <369d8fda.150194757 at nntp.ix.netcom.com>,
  ufotruth at ix.netcom.com wrote:
> Everyone,
> I just wanted to let all of you know that I emailed Alteon and asked
> them about ALT-711's effects on lipofuscin. They told me that they
> have done no research into any effects of ALT-711 on lipofuscin.
> Best Regards,
> William

More on spin traps, lipofuscin and age breakers....

PBN (phenyl butyl nitrone) was reported in the	early 90's to remove
lipofuscin deposits from the cells of aged mice, and was theorized to thereby
improve mitochondrial efficiency, as evinced in the performance of aged rats
in swim-to- exhaustion tests.  Trials in humans were apparently
disappointing, though. (Can anyone amplify on this?  I know the NIH was
conducting human trials, but know nothing of the outcome.)

Centrophenoxine (Lucidril) has been reported by Nandy to remove lipofuscin
deposits from cells, but I do not believe his work has been confirmed
elsewhere.  I obtained some in Spain.  It did not have any noticeable effects
on my endurance.  (I used a bicycle ergonometer, lab-accurate wattage
measurements.) I found (from the package insert) that one of
Centrophenoxine's breakdown products is an amphetamine-like  compound,
(phenteramine? if I recall, which is itself a stimulant),  that can cause
athletes to test positive for amphetamines.  I suspect this is also
responsible for most of the reported effects of this substance.  I don't
think one would want to take something chronically that produces amphetamine
alalogues in the body;	I expect it would destroy neurons in the hipocampus.

Angelo Schoeten (a chemist who used to hang out in this group) hypothesized
that ethoxyquin, a synthetic anti-oxidant used in chicken feed and dog food,
might produce spin trapping products in the body with an effect similar to
PBN.  I have no wish to try it, for I am not certain it would be without
undesired side effects on the liver.  Some of those who frequent these pages
have tried ethoxyquin and might care to comment on its effects.

Sage, and to a lesser extent thyme, have been reported to at least inhibit
lipofuscin formation, if not prevent it.  Sage tea, anyone?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps to prevent AGE formation.  Perhaps in large doses,
or in certain forms, it can act as an AGE breaker.  A solution of thiaminn,
applied to  the skin, seems to reverse some of the effects of aging, at least
in my experience: exfoliation, reduced wrinkles, smoother, thicker skin.

The Alteon patent mentions several other compounds that have significant AGE-
breaking qualities, though not as marked as ALT-711.  Several are available in
chemical supply catalogs.  The only toxicity data I found was "may cause skin
irritation."   Good enough to try on mice or fruit flies.

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