Are AGEs and Lipofuscin related? Could ALT-711 eliminate lipofuscin?

Nelson J. Navarro nelsonn at epix.net
Wed Jan 13 18:08:56 EST 1999

It's a thiazole derivative.
To find out more, you can go to http://www.patents.ibm.com/ and look up
patent #5,656,261.

Nelson Navarro

Jean-Philippe GERARD wrote:
> ufotruth at ix.netcom.com éCRIVAIT (wrote) :
> > If the above definition is correct, could an AGE breaker like ALT-711
> > break apart and eliminate LIPOFUSCIN from the human body?
> What kind of compound is ALT-711 ?
> (chemically speaking)
> _____________________________________         ---   O     Ideal
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>    Napoléon.Bonaparte at Invalides.fr          ----  \/\         are
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> Maintenant plus facile pour débutant singulier : the ideal doctor is patient.
>   L'ex-présidempereur chuinta exprès : "le docteur idéal est passsshiant".
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