Resource on latest research findings in ageing

Emmanuel Bueb ebueb at boomerangpharma.com
Wed Jan 13 06:41:54 EST 1999


May I suggest that you put your questions relating to research in ageing
in the 'Ask our Expert' forum on our web site at
This is a place where you can rapidly get very specific answers to your
concerns from world renowned experts in 7 key medical conditions
commonly faced by older people (among other topics covered in our web
You will also find valuable information on the latest research findings
in this field.

I trust this will be of great help to all of you.

Best Regards,
About Healthandage.com:

The Novartis Foundation for Gerontological Research supports education
and innovation in healthy ageing and in the care of the elderly. Its
strategy focuses on maximising the functional status, quality of life,
and independence of elderly people by preventing or delaying the
development of age-related dysfunction.

Increasing awareness of modifiable risk factors and improving
interventions that minimise their impact both play a key role in this
strategy, and these aspects are emphasised in the resources provided on
the website. These include:
- reference materials on key topics in geriatrics,
- intervention guidelines from the peer-reviewed literature,
- current medical news on healthy ageing and geriatric care,
- interactive tools to raise awareness of risk factors for dysfunction,
- details of upcoming gerontology conferences and seminars, and
- question and answer sessions with experts in the care of the elderly.

The site is organised into three distinctive areas, catering for:
physicians, other healthcare professionals and patients. Within each
area, information and interactive tools related to dysfunctions are
grouped under seven topics (Alzheimer's disease, depression, diabetes,
heart disease, impaired
mobility, incontinence, nutrition and fitness), with an additional topic
covering information on healthy lifestyles.

This speeds access to relevant information and makes it easier for
visitors to see issues from others' perspectives too, encouraging the
multidisciplinary approach that is at the heart of successful geriatric
education and care.

e-mail: info at healthandage.com

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