Ari AntiAging Skin Care

dhirsch at arisc.com dhirsch at arisc.com
Mon Jan 11 14:42:05 EST 1999


How healty your skin looks and how youthful it will appear decades from now
depends largely on how well you take care of it and on the skin care products
you choose today.

Recent research has now made it possible to offer skin care products that are
truly antiaging.

Ari Inc., a leader in innovative skin care technologies, provides advanced
therapeutic skin care treatments for aging skin. Ari Skin Care formulations
are based on the latest antiaging research and are proven effective. Only Ari
Skin Care Products contain natural ingredients that act directly on the
causes of skin aging to help sustain the skin's health, youthful appearance.

Ari Skin Care Products include:

* Echo Moisture Accelerant—Echo uses Ari's exclusive Mimetic Therapy to
stimulate lipids production in the skin to restore the youthful moisture in
aging skin. Echo also stimulates retinol in the skin, which has been found to
diminish the appearance of surface wrinkles.

* Reflect Anti-PhotoAging Protectant—Reflect Ari's exclusive Singlet Quenching
and Chelating Therapies to go beyond mere sunscreens to restore skin balance
disrupted by UV light that causes skin sagging and wrinkling.

* Image Anti-Aging Inhibitor—Image uses Ari's exclusive Chelating Therapy and
AntiGlycation Therapy to inhibit the collagen cross-linking that forms
wrinkles and ages skin. Image is specially formulated for individuals under
40 years old.

* Atone Anti-Wrinkle Remodeler—Atone uses Ari's exclusive Mimetic Therapy,
plus Chelating and AntiGlycation Therapies to enhance the remodeling and
turnover of age-modified collagen that accelerates skin aging. Atone is
specially formulated for middle-aged individuals.

These antiaging skin care products can be purchased online at the Ari Website
at http://www.arisc.com using our secure order form. Ari guarantees
satisfaction or your purchase price will be refunded.

Please visit us at our website http://www.arisc.com for more information. And
be sure to view our AntiAging Primer and AntiAging FAQs pages for the latest
on antiaging research.

Best Regards...

Ari Skin Care

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