thermodynamics and aging

Deacon Sweeney sweeney.2 at wright.edu
Mon Jan 11 13:51:45 EST 1999

fake at address.com wrote:
> Has anyone considered applying theories of thermodynamics to aging?  I
> know that's a pretty general question, I just don't know how else to
> ask it.  I mean, we know that thermodynamics is sort of the science of
> how things change with time, giving a directionality to processes.  It
> just seemed natural that a discipline which has some interesting
> things to say about time, could be useful  in studying aging, which is
> also related to time.  I hope that doesn't sound too dumb.
> Hazel

One support I can offer is this, that as time passes and as such events
occur as the frequent benign tumors, as cells and tissues die, as
intracellular connections become more frequent, essentially what is
happening is an increase in the disorder, or entropy, of cell layers and
tissue structure.  This is a problem related to the efficiency of
intracellular processes.  Could standard principles be applied?  Anyone
have the imagination?


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