Telomerase Expression in Human Cells!

Deacon Sweeney sweeney.2 at wright.edu
Mon Jan 4 21:15:54 EST 1999

Check out:


to learn that all that was found out was that, in and of itself,
telomerase expression does not cause cancer.

Are we talking about different papers here?

Just because there were no malignant transformations does not mean that
any age-management system is on it's way.

Blast them cells with some UV, and we'll see whether or not there are
malignant transformations.

It's good to hear that the cells are still alive after 220+ generations.

  thanks, Hazel...
    Keep us informed on your progress.

 Deacon Sweeney

tan at ack.net wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:49:29 -0500, Deacon Sweeney
> <sweeney.2 at wright.edu> wrote:
> >OK, so the telomerase gene being expressed in cells does not cause
> >cancer... but, as I understand it, telomerase has never been posited to
> >cause cancer.  Telomerase resupplies telomeres, but does not interfere
> >with cell-cycle controls, eg, does not cause cancer.
> That is true, the fact that probably  made them cautious was that
> almost all cancers test  positive for telomerase activity.
> The limited number
> >of telomeric repeats keep cell populations from making too many babies,
> >something which keeps benign tumors benign.  Why would anyone want to
> >allow their constanly forming benign tumors to reproduce indefinitely?
> >Wouldn't malignancy skyrocket?
> >
> Yea I would think so that is why the announcement that there were no
> malignant transofrmations is so exciting.
> Hazel
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