William wrote:
> I have read on
> many different websites that age/liver spots are caused by an
> accumilation of Advanced Glycation End-Products and their resulting
> Crosslinks.
I think that's wrong too. Where did you read it?
> perhaps all the theories of "eventual aging", that have at least
> some merit, could be put together and accumilated into one theory of
> "immediate aging".
That's a popular (I mean among experts) and reasonable view. Might be
right, might not.
> in my opinion telomere
> shortening "might", from what I have read, be the cause of most of
> these various theories of "eventual aging"
That's a much less popular (I again mean among experts) view, but it
can't be conclusively rejected quite yet.
> Did it increase their average life span?
Yes, fewer early deaths. The abstract is on Medline; hit its "Related
Articles" too for others that may interest you.
Aubrey de Grey