congress information

Thu May 14 04:44:36 EST 1998

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Dr. Olga Labudov=E1 is organizing the Traditional Meeting on Amino Acids,=
6th International Congress on Amino Acids, at our department of
Experimentelle Radiologie und Strahlenbiologie at the Medical Institutions
of the University of Bonn.
With this e-mail I enclose the first congress announcement. We would be very
obliged if you could distribute these informations to your members. If there
are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Labudov=E1.
For your help we thank you very much in advance. Yours Dr. Olga Labudiv=E1=
Prof. Dr. Rink.=20

6th   International Congress on Amino Acids
Bonn, Germany, August 3-7th 1999
1st Announcement and call for presentations


Molecular Medicine, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Pharmaceutics

Arginine - Carnitine - Glutamine - Homocysteine - Taurine - Natural Products
- Peptides-
Modification of Amino Acids -
Neurobiology - Neurochemistry - Neurotoxicity - Psychiatry - Physiology -
Pharmacology - Toxicology - Microbiology - Cardiology - Nephrology -
Pathology - Genetics - Inborn Errors - Molecular Biology - Food Chemistry -
Plant Chemistry - Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Radiation
 and Radical Chemistry
Metabolism - Biosynthesis - Analysis - Racemization - Exercise - Memory -

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Traditional Meeting
on Amino Acids..The multidisciplinary character of the meeting provides you
with an exellent overview of up-to-date  knowledge on the role of amino
acids in different fields. We will be happy to receive your contribution.
Please submit the title of your contribution at your earliest convenience.

As the programme shall contain most recent research data, we do not expect
an abstract yet. It has to be submitted, however, not later than March 31st,
1999 in order to allow publication prior to the Meeting. The abstracts will
be published in the journal AMINO ACIDS, Springer publishers, listed in
Current Contents Life Sciences. Please prepare an abstract on a sheet of
paper of the size of this letter using 250 words approximately, giving
title, authors and adress of corresponding author only. Colleagues who want
to submit a full manuscript should ask for the instructions to authors.

These are the deadlines:
The deadline for the submission of the titles is January 31st, 1999.=20
The deadline for submission of abstracts with or without full manuscripts,
for registration and for payment of the congress fee is March 31st, 1999.

Early registration is recommended due to a limitation to 600 participants.
The registration fee is due latest by March 31st , 1999 preferrably as money
order or traveller cheques (cheapest possibilities). The registration form
should be completed and submitted to Dr. O. Labudova (address see below).
With  pleasure we shall satisfy your inquiry on the scientific program and
shall send you information on cultural  and social events, travelling,
housing, and accommodation along with the 2nd announcement, which will be
sent to everybody who will return the added registration form.
We are looking forward to welcome you and to enjoy your participation as
well as your presentation						 =20
 Dr. O. Labudova
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit=E4t
Experimentelle Radiologie und Strahlenbiologie,
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25
 D-53105 Bonn, Germany=09
e-mail: hrink at mailer.meb.uni-bonn.de
 Bonn: The Charming Federal City on the Rhine=20
Each year, Bonn welcomes more than two million visitors. There are many ways
of reaching this city. One of those is along the Rhine which is the most
=84European=93 of all rivers. On its way from the Alps to the North Sea, it
flows for 18 kilometers within the boundaries of Bonn accompanied by a
wealth of famous sights: castles and ruined fortresses, the romantic
Rolandsbogen - the last remaining window arch of a former castle, the
Siebengebirge hills, the Federal Government building, the Bonn Opera House
and the  Beethoven Hall. Even as the German capital, Bonn retained the
characteristics that make it what it is today: a medium-sized Rhineland city
offering maximum quality of life to those living there and located in one of
the loveliest, most romantic regions in Germany. A lot of famous composers
found their inspiration in this lovely city, where Ludwig van Beethoven was
born and has left his mark.

Cologne could be on your list of visits: nowadays, it is the biggest city of
the state North-Rhine-Westfalia but already of great importance since the
ancient time of the Roman Empire. Cologne is famous for its well-known
romanic churches (12) and the gothic cathedral (UNESCO cultural heritage),
the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, the Romano-Germanic archeological museum and
many more galleries.

D=FCsseldorf  one of Germanies fashion cities, often called =84little=
 Paris=93, is
about 1 hour away from Bonn. It is the state capital of North-Rhine
Westphalia and administrative headquaters for most of Germanies heavy
industry companies. D=FCsseldorf=92s down-town area =84Altstadt=93 and the=
district =84K=F6nigsallee=93 are world famous. In addition, D=FCsseldorf=92s=
nickname =84little Tokyo=93, points to the fact that the city houses=
largest Japanese colony in Germany.

Amsterdam is not far away: it is the famous European North Venice, whose
canals in the old city center, the Rijksmuseum and the van Gogh Museum
challenge to make an exciting round trip. =20

Brussels the Belgian capital and administrative headquarters of the European
Union is about 2,5 hours away from Bonn. Famous for its collection of unique
houses from the decorated style and renaissance periods. Brussels today is
also famous for its restaurants in all styles found  adjacent to =84la=
Place=93 - =84Bonne app=E9tit=93.=20

Paris about 4 hours away by train - is always worth a trip. Needless to
mention its classical attractions like the Eiffel tower, Notre Dame and the
Champs-Elyse=E9s. Le Louvre and the Mus=E9e d=92Orsay are the most famous=
out of dozens of exceptional museums. Above all, Paris is a unique
expression of =84 joie de vivre=93.=20

The 6th International Congress on Amino Acids will be sponsored by:
 =84Red Bull Company=93=20
Salzburg , Austria.

6th   International Congress on Amino Acids
Bonn, Germany, August 3-7th 1999


I will  participate in the congress cited above.

Name:______________________________________  Titel: =

Correct Postal Address:=


ZIP: __________________________________  Country: =
Phone: _____________________  Fax:  _____________________  e-mail:

I will present a contribution       =7F    Titel:


The fee for early registration (March 31st ,1999) is US dollars 350.
Registration fee after March 31st , 1999 is US dollars 380. Fee includes:
Printed Abstracts, coffee between sessions, welcome party and conference=


=7F		moneyorder available in each office of American Express (charge 12 US=
=7F		enclosed are US $ Traveller cheques or Euro cheques =20
=7F		cheque (US $) drawn on a German Bank (add 30 US $ handling charges)=09
		Please charge my credit card
=7F    American Express,    =7F  Eurocard/Mastercard,     =7F  Visa
Credit card No.: _________________________	Exp. date (valid through)
Name of card holder:=

Date and signature :=

Congress activities will be handled and supported by :
  American Express Intl., Inc
Corporate Services - Business Travel Center
Phone: +49-228-7661120  -   Fax: +49-228-7661133

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