Excelife excelife at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 25 07:19:17 EST 1998

In article <35B91522.4EF0 at netcom.ca>, tmatth at netcom.ca says...
>>Excelife wrote:
>>Each day they refuse to share information on processes that have a direct 
>>relation to cellular aging is a days delay in the research into longevity. 
>You have a perfectly valid complaint. I will end here because
>discussion of this issue and its possible solutions is not appropriate
>to two of these ngs. 
>Tom Matthews
>The LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION - http://www.lef.org - 800-544-4440 
>A non-profit membership organization dedicated to the extension
>of the healthy human lifespan through ground breaking research,
>innovative ideas and practical methods.
>LIFE EXTENSION MAGAZINE - The ultimate source for new
>health and medical findings from around the world.

I agree, there is no reason to continue cross posting to all three groups.  I 
will post my response in the newsgroup sci.life-extension.  I would suggest 
anyone wishing to follow this thread look for it there.

Thomas Mahoney, Pres.
Lifeline Laboratories, Inc.

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