Need some advice on treatments which claim to reduce skin wrinkles.

Alex Hunter none at ic.ac.uk
Thu Jul 31 21:45:42 EST 1997

wright at nospam.clam (David Wright) wrote:

>In article <5rjm8n$gm8$1 at penguin.doc.ic.ac.uk>,
>Alex Hunter <none at ic.ac.uk> wrote:
>>Hi, I was wondering if anyone could advise on the safety and efficacy
>>of treatments which reduce skin wrinkles. I have heard of 4 different
>>1. Retinova/Renova cream, which can reduce fine wrinkles only.

>Does work, can cause skin irritation, and you have to keep using it.

>>2. Another cream which can reverse the effects of sun damage (can't
>>remember the name of this one).

>Hard to respond to this one.  There are other chemicals that can make
>your skin appear softer or fuller, but again, their effects are
>usually temporary.

I wonder if you could name these other chemicals, and are they
available over the counter; or do they need a prescription?

>>3. Chemical face peels.
>>4. Some kind of laser treatment.
>>Do any of these have possible adverse side-effects?

>Oh, yeah.

>They basically are a controlled burning of the skin.  When the skin
>regenerates, it will, we hope, look smoother and be softer and have
>fewer wrinkles. 

>But this can go wrong.  You can wind up looking like a burn victim
>(which you, in effect, are).  Not that this is the typical result, but
>even if the treatment is successful, it can take a long time (a year)
>for the burn to heal.

What are the chances of it going wrong or of the treatment being

Also, are there any other better ways of reducing wrinkles,e.g. such
as injecting human growth hormone?

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