thermodynamics and aging

Georgi P. Gladyshev biograph at online.comstar.ru
Fri Jul 25 10:35:35 EST 1997

Subject: Supramolecular chemistry and thermodynamics of biological 
evolution, Thermodynamics of origin of life, Macrothermodynamics,
Self-assembly of supramolecular structures, Supramolecules and
Assemblies, Adaptation, Aging
      Dear Colleagues, 
    My Institute:   URL http://www.biograph.comstar.ru/evolution/

The information in my URL is: 
   Hello to all,
I am seeking professional scientists who would like to understand (to
comprehend) my thermodynamic theory of the Evolution of Living Beings.
This theory is presented in work: G. P. Gladyshev, "Thermodynamic theory
of the Evolution of Living Beings" (in Russian, Moscow, 1996). The work
will be published by NOVA Sci. Publ., Inc., NY USA. I can send an
additional information.
For best understanding of the work it is very imported to have the
experience in fields: classical physical chemistry, biophysical
chemistry, chromatography, biological evolution, ontogenesis, aging, DSC
of tissues, ...  .    

Please, respond to e-mail: biograph at online.comstar.ru or
academy at endeav.msk.su or mail: Academy of Creative Endeavors, 36, Novy
Arbat, Moscow, 121205, Russia.

Many thanks in advance!

	Georgi P. Gladyshev
Professor of Physical Chemistry 
(Institute of Ecological Biophysical Chemistry of the Academy of
Creative Endeavors, 
Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Macrokinetics of Non-equilibrium
Systems of N.N.Semionov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian
Academy of Sciences),
Professor of the Chair of Biomedical Systems and Devices
 (N.E.Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1975-1985)

	This book is devoted to the physical theory of the biological
evolution. The theory is based on macrothermodynamics, i.e., the
hierarchic thermodynamics of complex systems. The results of the studies
presented in the book allow one to state that the peculiarities of the
evolution of living beings, as well as the peculiarities of the chemical
evolution, can be explained without the concepts of the dynamical
self-organization and the dissipative structures. 
	According to the second law, the tendency of the evolution of
biological systems on chemical and supramolecular levels can be
determined by studying the effect of thermodynamical self-organization
(self-assembly). The criterion for estimating the evolutionary
development of supramolecular structures of biosystems (biotissues) is
given by the variation of the specific Gibbs function of their
formation. During the processes of ontogenesis, philogenesis, and
biological evolution in general, the specific supramolecular component
of the Gibbs function of a biosystem, that is quasi-closed
thermodynamically and kinetically, tends to a relative minimum. The
value of this minimum is a characteric of the given biosystem surrounded
by the given environment. 
		The non-stationary theoretical model presented in the monograph
explains the reasons causing the variations in the chemical composition
and structure of living beings in the course of ontogenesis,
philogenesis, and the evolution in general. It also allows to find out
the rules determining the variations in the composition and structure of
a biosystem during its adaptation to the external conditions. 
		At present, it seems that the most essential applications of the
theory relate to the study of the living creatures behavior and to
gerontology, pharmacology, nutrition.  
		The book is written as an interdisciplinary monograph and is designed
for a reader with university education. 

	During the last decades, an opinion has widely spread that there is
"the apparent  contradiction between biological order and laws of
physics - particularly  the second law of thermodynamics". Besides, it
is claimed that this contradiction "cannot be removed as long as one
tries to understand living systems by the methods of equilibrium
	The author of the present work states: if living systems are described
in the framework of hierarchic equilibrium thermodynamics, this
contradiction does not exist.

Review of the work will appear in one of the next issues of Journal of
Biological Physics.
See also: G.P.Gladyshev, "Thermodynamic Direction of Biological
Evolution: Model and Reality", Biology Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1996,
pp. 315-322. Translated from Izvestia Akademii Nauk, Seriya
Biologicheskaya, No. 4, 1996, pp. 389-397.
I have an suggestion: introduce to your Web site the section
"Thermodynamics of Aging" .
      Sincerely,       Georgi Gladyshev.

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