Help finding grad. schools...

bc_yhy at stu.ust.hk bc_yhy at stu.ust.hk
Mon Jul 21 06:47:06 EST 1997

Barry Eric Flanary wrote:

> I am an undergraduate student looking for a graduate school at
> present.  I
> am interesting in researching the cell biology of aging, and
> specifically,
> reversing the aging process on a cellular level.  If anyone has any
> suggestions or know of any institutions that support these research
> goals,
> please let me know.  Any information will be appreciated.  Thanks.


    There are many institutions in the World that have research on the
ageing process. Such as, you can go to

The National Institute on Aging ( http://www.nih.gov/nia/ )

if you live in USA, or

National Ageing Research Institute ( http://www.mednwh.unimelb.edu.au/ )

if you live in Australia.

You can also find more information about ageing from

Aging Research Centre (ARC) (
http://www.hookup.net/mall/aging/agesit59.html )
or Yahoo Search.

Li Hoi Ming

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