Vladimir V. Bakaev wrote:
>> Do know anybody anything about the Society "Project Faust"? Are there
> any societies about Rejuvenology and/or Immortology? I would like to
> be in close cooperation with anybody who decided to struggle against
> aging by scientific methods. Many thanks!
I have never heard of "Project Faust", but the Life Extension Foundation
(see URL below), The Prometheus Project
(http://www.prometheus-project.org/prometheus/), Longevity-Digest email
list, the newsgroup sci.cryonics, and the cryonics organizations
http://www.cryonet.org,http://www.cryocare.org and http://www.alcor.org
all fit your description.
Tom Matthews
The LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION - http://www.lef.org - 800-841-5433
A non-profit, membership organization dedicated to the extension
of the healthy human lifespan through ground breaking research,
innovative ideas, and practical methods.