Mitochondria and ageing?

Jim Cummins cummins at central.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Jul 3 00:35:22 EST 1997

In article <33b97f0e.11667277 at news.uni-freiburg.de>,
schwarz at sun2.ruf.uni-freiburg.de wrote:

> Where can I get information about
>    ...the role of mitochondria in aging processes...
> (e. g. about the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging or other
> theories about mutations of mtDNA being the cause of cell aging)? 

Try http://aeiveos.wa.com/agethry/mitochon/
- specifically http://www.gen.emory.edu/MITOMAP/report.html#agedz

URL http://numbat.murdoch.edu.au/spermatology/spermhp.html

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