On Jun 13, 1996 13:01:34 in article <WE NEED YOUR HELP>,
'mtroisi at MALTANET.OMNES.NET (mtroisi)' wrote:
Contact Gerontol. Soc. of America
1275 K St. NW, Suite 350
Washington DC 20005-4006
206: 842-1275
>From: mtroisi at MALTANET.OMNES.NET (mtroisi)
>Newsgroups: bionet.molbio.ageing
>Date: 13 Jun 1996 13:01:34 -0700
>Organization: BIOSCI International Newsgroups for Molecular Biology
>Lines: 11
>Sender: daemon at net.bio.net>Distribution: world
>Message-ID: <31C0E5A2.A79 at maltanet.omnes.net>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: net.bio.net
>>In 1989 the University of Malta started an Institute of Gerontology and
>Geriatrics. The Institute runs a one year full time Postgraduate Diploma
>Course in Gerontology and Geriatrics. We also run a Master's degree based
>on research in thye field of ageing.
>Looking forward to know wich universities in the USA and the UK offer
>any courses in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics, at what level,
>and what duration. We are trying to set a data base of all these centres.
>Any kind of information will be more than welcome.
>I wish to thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.
>Dr.Joseph Troisi
Richard A. Lockshin