One disadvantage of living 200+ years is that time will seem to go faster.
Those that enjoy life will find years and decades racing by like warp speed.
To get an extra hundred years will only seem like a few more weeks.
Consider how slow time went as a child compared to the way it races by as
a fulfilled adult. One year to a 10-yr old child is 10% of his entire
experience. One year to a 50 yr old is 2% of his experience and passes
proportionately quicker. Unless depression or pain is activated, then
time passes slowly. Many people subconsciously put themselves in
discomfort to extend their life experience.
For the self-actualized, years disappear like the clouds of a windy day.
The self-actualized are not disabled, however, about how quickly his life
passes. He just enjoys it.
On Fri, 23 Feb 1996, yvan Bozzonetti wrote:
> In article: <Pine.OSF.3.91.960217055115.31573A-100000 at>
>dashley at TENET.EDU writes:
> >
> > Would anyone care to suggest why someone might want an extended life
> > expectancy?
>> 1) I am involved in activities on the centuries - millenia scale.
> 2) Nobel prize Richard Feinmann said : It's painfull to die, I would not do it
> two times ! (So, why do it the first time?).
> 3) Life is information processing and so negative entropy, something produced in
> stable environment by lack of entropy gradient in time. Life is then seen as an
> effect of Earth and Sun stability, death is so against the universal property of
> no center in time : (The world is always the same everywhere).
>> -----------------
>> >From: "Gloria J. Roohr-Hyzer" <gjroohrh at MAIL.WISCNET.NET>
> >Subject: Pycnogenol
> >
> >Does anyone have information, documentation about ADD and pycnogenol?
> >Has anyone used it to gain results?
> >Thanks in advance, Gloria
>> Pycnogenol is a pine bark extract, a similar product comes from grape seeds.
> They are the same class of products not the same products (there are many
> different molecules in bark extract and grape seeds).
>> From my experience, I find the pine bark extract far more usefull than the
> second form. Even more active is the bark of New Zealand Red Pine (Rimu), not a
> marketed product yet.
>> Y. Bozzonetti.