In <4go2r0$ad5 at> davidj at (David Johnson) writes:
>dashley at TENET.EDU (Don Ashley) wrote:
>>If it's simple and people want more life, why don't more people support
>>anti-aging research?
>Two main reasons I can think of:
>1. People don't really believe it's possible. They think its science
>fiction and ignore it as being unworthy of consideration. They think
>"its just for cranks and I don't want to be one of them".
>2. Personal death is too far in the future to think seriously about.
>If it isn't too far in the future, then it's too late anyway.
And there's a third: nobody young wants more "old age" - and that's
what life extension means to most.
(I_lurk,_therefore_I_am!_\ ,,, Steve Chambers
(o o) steve at