In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.960222122748.27791C-100000 at>,
ratan at KB.USM.MY (Ratan Singh) wrote:
> I wonder why people keep on asking the same question: Why someone wants
> to live longer ? I have already answered: We are genetically programmed
> to want to live longer. Those who did not want so, have died early. It is
> a useless question. Question should be: How to live longer. From: Ratan
> Singh, Ratan at
Actually, I believe we are genetically programmed to want to survive -
i.e. the survival instinct. However, from a strict genetic standpoint, we
are programmed to age and die. Any desire for longer life therefore comes
from an inner conscious desire as a result of rational thought rather than
from any genetic programming to that effect. Just an observation.
Emery Dora
San Francisco State University
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