Fantastic Longevity

ben1910 at delphi.com ben1910 at delphi.com
Thu Feb 15 20:41:23 EST 1996

"Leonid A.Gavrilov" <ageing at ilr.rc.ac.ru> writes:
>>Didn't Chopra claim that there were 150 year-olds in Russia in his book
>>Ageless Mind Timeless Body?
>>I don't have the book and would like the point clarified w/o going to the
>>library or store.
>   There are a lot of such claims in Russia and the main problem is to
>verify these cases of fantastic longevity. We have developed a research
>project in our Center on this topic under the title:
I believe most of such claims were made in Soviet Georgia, the place
where Stalin was born.  Perhaps, the local authorities encouraged
such claims as they sensed that Stalin was happy to hear them.
Stalin was 73 when he died, which is not much by our standards, but
was a lot back then.  Amazingly, I have heard that Stalin was toothless
or almost toothless long before he died.  Could our Russian colleagues
confirm that?  What else is known about his health?

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