jor at (Jo Robinson) wrote:
>>>> ** A local news channel just took about 15 minutes of broadcast quality
> video of the mice -- the mice performed admirably. In every instance, the
> melatonin mice were ahead of the others. I've asked for a copy of the
> tape, and if I get one, I'd be happy to copy the tape for others at my
> cost.
That would be great!
>> As for combining melatonin with alcohol, I must admit I've done it
> a time or two -- only at night.
Yes, it happened to me as well...
I noticed no additive effect. I actually
> like to think that the melatonin is helping protect my liver from alcohol-
> generated free radical damage. Reiter, my coauthor, has shown that
> melatonin can prevent alcohol-induced ulcers in the rat stomach --
> presumably by scavanging free radicals.
I'm not sure about this one, doesn't the liver use free radicals
to get rid of the alcohol ?
(On learning mice:)
> ** I think that's a real possibility. ONe of the reasons I'm doing
> this pilot study is that I want to test the intelligence and learning behavior
> of the mice. I had no idea that a behavioral/cognitive difference would be
> obvious. My theory is the same as yours -- melatonin is having a neuro-
> protective effect, delaying the age-related erosion of brain cells.
Is there any clear way to measure there mIceQ ?
But the
> mice also seem a bit more aggressive, so I'm wondering about the effect
> melatonin is having on estrogen or testosterone production. (In male rats,
> chronic administrationof melatonin has been shown to prevent the age-related
> decline in T.) [NeuroReport 1995 6:785-88.]
This could also be good news. However, its a bit frightning to
see tons of people that don't even want hormone treated meat use
melatonin night after night.
Some things are easier believed than others. Anyway; any new studies
or findings ? How about the strain of mice that "alledgedly" don't
even produce melatonin at all ? Why can we easily neglect the
study where a strain of mice's lifes were shortened by Melotonin ?
Cheers & regards,