Resistance To Immortality Concepts

David Soule davids at erinet.com
Sat Feb 10 18:10:05 EST 1996

>I'd be happy to send you a catalog of why many people resist the idea of 
>'immortality'.  The excuses range from irrational to realistic.
>From having presented the idea of 'arresting the aging process' on the 
>speaker's platform to diverse groups of people and spraying the concepts 
>around various internet groups, I found it constructive to list 
>catagories of excuses.
>The best way to constructively deal with resistance is to listen and try to 
>understand the rationale for such aversion.

In my own Opinion (STRESS on Opinion)

Life is Not easy. This we all know.  But the only thing that keeps Me going, 
is the fact that I know I have a limited time on this planet.  And not 
knowing HOW long that is, makes me want to accomplish everything I can.

If someone were to tell me I would live forever, I would probably become the 
worst procrastinator of all time.  Take a decade vacation.  "I'll clean the 
house in about oh, 5 years or so. No hurry! I'll be here awhile!" Etc.


Undergrad Junior, Molecular Bio/Pharmacology

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