Melatonin & Dr. Pierpaoli

Melvin W. Smith melsmi at primenet.com
Fri Feb 9 11:55:02 EST 1996

valentino <valentino at peg.it> wrote:
: Greetings,
: someone in this area mentioned the melatonin dose for anti ageing...
: I've asked it to Dr. Pierpaoli by mail, and he replied me to use 5 mg. 
: of melatonin 2 seasons per year, every night 40 minutes before sleep.
: It was the dose for a 50 y.o. man.

	What do you mean '2 seasons per year' ???


Mel Smith (in the Valley of the Sun)  Fax: (602) 832-7672
melsmi at primenet.com                      /__)/__) / / / / /_  /\  / /_    /
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