Melatonin update

Robert M. Stowe rs8d+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Feb 9 23:22:03 EST 1996

Excerpts from netnews.bionet.molbio.ageing: 7-Feb-96 Re: Melatonin
update by George Kimeldorf at utdalla 
> Chris Patil (cpatil at itsa.ucsf.edu) wrote:
> : There is a thoughtful and thorough review about the effects of melatonin 
> : in a recent issue of Cell -- I believe it was published either in late 
> : December or early January. The author is David Weaver. 
> Could you or someone else please supply the complete reference?

I commend this article to readers of this newsgroup that are interested
in a sobering discussion of information about melatonin based on
methodically rigorous scientific research, as opposed to some of the
unbridled speculation, pseudoscience, and wishful thinking being
promulgated by some individuals on this newsgroup.

The reference is: 

Reppert, Steven M., & Weaver, David R. Melatonin madness. Cell 83:
1059-1062 (December 29, 1995 issue).

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