Live shortening effects of sport

Harlan Hoffman harlan2 at ix.netcom.com
Fri Feb 9 10:30:51 EST 1996

In <4felah$5fc at merlin.delphi.com> LOU PAGNUCCO
<lpagnucco at mci.newscorp.com> writes: 
>H.O.van.den.Berg at Inter.NL.net wrote:
>>Hi all,
>> '''
>>Racing horces life years shorter than recreation horses.
>>In an experiment where flies were not allowed to fly theze non-fliers
>>lived up to 200 % longer than the flies that could fly freely.
>> ...
>>Is sport like sun beathing ?; (you look great shortly after
>>but worse years after...)
>>Is muscle tissue and sports activity the reason for the fact
>>that women live longer ?
>> ...
>>And if we pay this price for sports, what sport would give 
>>the best physical results for the lowes oxygen price ?
>I have also read a study on the longevity of olympic marathoners.
>They seemed to have a lower mortality up to the ages of 55-60.
>After that, they died off at a significantly higher rate than 
>sedentary counterparts.
>A study has also been done on the life expectancy of U.S. professional
>football players.  They have amazingly short life spans.  On average,
>they only live to their mid-50's.
>Still, I want to believe moderate exercise is beneficial.
>Lou Pagnucco

I tend to believe that these two groups may not be a good
criteria...Kenneth Cooper addressess this stuff in terms of 'free
radicals' and is a very powerful voice for the use of anti-oxidants in
conjunction with moderate aerobic excercise. In my own mind, I would
never cease running, because I know for certain, thast had I not become
a runner and changed my life style, and physical health, I would have
been dead by now. So, I use Pyncogenol, ginsana, kh3, vit E, C, A, and
other anti-oxidants several times a day.
"It has been said that immortality...is a “grand peut-être”.
Everybody is persuaded that he is immortal."

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