What is life extension without health? hell! Is it better to live
longer, no matter how much the pain, suffering, and dullness of mind
caused by medication,?
I think we each have to ask ourselves what we want, asnd then maybe try
to go that way. I prefer the 'high' of running the joy of physical
health, in return I'll give up some years.
In <4fb2tm$bj9 at altrade.nijmegen.inter.nl.net>
H.O.van.den.Berg at Inter.NL.net writes:
>>Hi all,
>>The oldest cat (yes, cat) of my part of Holland is a cat that
>was wounded when little, so that it could barely walk.
>It's now 23 and still going strong.
>>Racing horces life years shorter than recreation horses.
>>In an experiment where flies were not allowed to fly theze non-fliers
>lived up to 200 % longer than the flies that could fly freely.
>>So I think it's reasonable to assume that sports progresses the
>aging process. Probably even a lot of "lean muscle tissue"
>does the same (consuming more oxygen).
>>But to confuse us, sports in first instant results in youthy
>appearance, more power and stamina.
>>Is sport like sun beathing ?; (you look great shortly after
>but worse years after...)
>>Is muscle tissue and sports activity the reason for the fact
>that women live longer ?
>>Yes, I know about the finish study of ski-sportsmen. But they were
>compared to their collegue sports, not a control group of couch
>>And if we pay this price for sports, what sport would give
>the best physical results for the lowes oxygen price ?
>>>Cheers !
"It has been said that immortality...is a grand peut-être.
Everybody is persuaded that he is immortal."