Hi all,
The oldest cat (yes, cat) of my part of Holland is a cat that
was wounded when little, so that it could barely walk.
It's now 23 and still going strong.
Racing horces life years shorter than recreation horses.
In an experiment where flies were not allowed to fly theze non-fliers
lived up to 200 % longer than the flies that could fly freely.
So I think it's reasonable to assume that sports progresses the
aging process. Probably even a lot of "lean muscle tissue"
does the same (consuming more oxygen).
But to confuse us, sports in first instant results in youthy
appearance, more power and stamina.
Is sport like sun beathing ?; (you look great shortly after
but worse years after...)
Is muscle tissue and sports activity the reason for the fact
that women live longer ?
Yes, I know about the finish study of ski-sportsmen. But they were
compared to their collegue sports, not a control group of couch
And if we pay this price for sports, what sport would give
the best physical results for the lowes oxygen price ?
Cheers !