Physiology of aging bibliography

Don Ashley dashley at TENET.EDU
Wed Feb 7 03:04:06 EST 1996

Suggest you contact Dennis Fink at the address above for the latest 

On Sat, 3 Feb 1996 drdean at bio.win.net wrote:

> In article <4d49r2$4kc at falcon.ccs.uwo.ca>, Charles Carter (ccarter2 at mustang.uwo.ca) writes:
> >sorribas at udl.es ("Albert Sorribas") wrote:
> >>Is there any book on Physiology on aging. I'd need not an ageing 
> >>theories compendium, but a book describing which physiological 
> >>changes happen with ageing.
> >>
> >
> >Hi Manel,
> >
> >   I have the ultimate book for you:  "Practical Handbook of Human 
> >Biologic Age Determination"  Edited by Arthur K. Balin, M.D. PhD. 
> >F.A.C.P.   CRC Press Inc. 1994.  It goes through all of the molecular and 
> >organic physiological changes that take place as one ages.  I was pretty 
> >excited about it when I first saw it.  It's a great big 10 pound book so 
> >it MUST be good!  Apparently it was written to give the gerontologist 
> >some physical benchmarks to assess rates of aging etc.
> >  
> >-Chuck
> >
> >
> >
> In addition to Balin's book, as well as my own *Biological
> Aging Measurement--Clinical Applications* (upon which the
> Balin book was based), I strongly recommend *Physical
> Dimensions of Aging*, by Waneen W. Spirduso, published by
> Human Kinetics, 1607 North Market Street, Champaign, IL 
> 61825-5076, a bargain at $54.00.  While the other two books
> primarily focus on the measurement of biological age
> (*Biological Age Determination* is a theoretical,
> multi-authored text, and *Biological Aging Measurement* is
> a single-authored practical manual), and therefore largely
> focus on biomarkers used in the aging measurement systems
> reviewed, *Physical Dimensions of Aging* is an exhaustive,
> well-written compendium--system-by-system--of what goes up
> and what goes down with aging.  A great reference.
> Ward Dean, M.D.

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