Thank you for your valuable and interesting information about Mr.Quarles.
I totally agree to your viewpoint about aging.
I want to know more about what he is going to do, what kind of company he
made for anti-aging therapy, and what COADS is.
I think him really wonderful when considering his age!
Personelly, I hope that there are many people like Mr.Quarles.
In previous letters, Mr.Quarles was told that he asserted that
goverment covered that fact that aging can be cured. That's true?
His idea to re-extend the elderly's short telomere by genetic engineering
sounds interesting and plaucible.
Would you please let me know more about Mr's Quarles'organization
and I heard that there was a company named Geron corp. in Califonia, if
you know it, please tell me about it.
Your sincerely,
Hang-Jun Jang