Running with your thoughts on immortalism (fwd)

Don Ashley dashley at TENET.EDU
Tue Feb 6 07:01:25 EST 1996

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 14:21:02 CST
From: Michael C. Kearl <MKEARL at Trinity.Edu>
To: dashley at tenet.edu
Subject: Running with your thoughts on immortalism

Hi Don.

Your posted comments to SSREL-L regarding immortalism caught my eye.  
If you have a chance, swing by to the following address and go to 
"You Never Have to Die!" section.  Am engaged in some research that 
you may find of interest.


Michael C. Kearl
Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Trinity University
San Antonio, TX  78212

phone:      (210) 736-8561
fax:        (210) 736-8509
e-mail:     mkearl at trinity.edu
homepage:   http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/index.html

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