Geron Corp. in Menlo Park, California is the most advanced research facility
around today.
'Geron' is a word that refers to aging.
Some of us will be originating start-up capital for another research lab
to be called Anti-Geron Corp. since we are 'against' aging.
We regard AGE as a similar, drawn out condition like AIDS. We are all
sentenced to the gallows and we would like to get probation. We would
like to see public interest in doing something about AGE just like the
public is growing aware of AIDS. We no longer want to keep our heads in
the sand, ignoring the 'inevitability' of the demise.
Miller Quarles and COADS in Houston are doing something about it.
So is the University of Texas.
On 3 Feb 1996, ppc4525 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in basic research on ageing at the molecular or cellular
> level.Thus, I would appreciate any information about research projects
> in this branch going on in the world.
> Thanks in advance.
>> Marcus Taeuber
> Vienna Biocenter
> Austria