Miller Quarles and telomeres

Don Ashley dashley at TENET.EDU
Thu Feb 1 22:08:19 EST 1996

Miller sent me a copy of the Times article in the mail today.  Amazing 
coincidence that it came on the same day I got your e-mail message.

If you'll give me your snail address I'll send you some of the literature 
from COADS  and Miller's recent newsletter....

Don Ashley

On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Deck Hazen wrote:

> At 12:14 PM 2/1/96 -0600, you wrote:
> >Deck,  I am very interested in seing the article in the Times.  So are 
> >many other people beyond the longevity list.  
> >
> >We would be very grateful if you would send as much as possible thru 
> >e-mail and I will fwd it to other list groups.
> >
> >Thanks, Don
> >
> >
> Hi Don,
>   Yes, I'm happy to re-type the article in full and I'll try to get it done
> this weekend and send it along via e-mail.  I have a couple of other (older)
> references that I will include as well.  If you have any references you'd
> care to share with me I'd be grateful.
>         -- Deck

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