DNA Base lesions

Jim Cummins cummins at possum.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Feb 1 03:02:32 EST 1996

Jorge Braz <qjpcbraz at cc.fc.ul.pt> wrote:
>	Can anybody tell me where I can find any informations about rate 
>constants, mechanisms, product analysis or anything at all about DNA base 
>lesions by recative oxygen species?
>		Thanks in advance, Jorge Braz
Oxidative damage is reported at c.10^5 hits/cell/day in the rat and c 10^4 hits/cell/day in the human.

Fraga et al PNAS USA 87: 4533-4536. 1990 
Cathgart et al PNAS USA 81: 5633-5637 1984

See also Fraga et al PNAS USA 88: 11003-11006, 1991

Jim Cummins, Associate Professor in Veterinary Anatomy, 
Murdoch University, Western Australia 6150.  
TEL +61-9-360 2668 FAX +61-9-310 4144
<cummins at possum.murdoch.edu.au>

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